With absolute certainty, I can conclude that all these years I have been struggling with social anxiety. I need a minute
I just thought I was super shy and this is how I am. But realizing how almost every social situation made me petrified to interact, I just avoid talking completely.
It’s like a defense mechanism. I was so worried and afraid to speak, to make friends, to voice my opinion, to share my thoughts. This fear derived from the possibility of embarrassing myself or have people judge me.
Imagine wanting to talk to people but upon speaking your mind, they say you’re stupid or aren’t worth listening to? That’s a struggle I’ve had since childhood. I never grew out of it.
Having social anxiety cost me what could have been significant and valuable life experiences/ relationships.
I’m so happy we live in a more progressive time. Instead of saying, “this is how I am,” I rather say, “I’m working on it.” Sometimes social anxiety disorder gets the best of me. But I’m bigger than my social anxiety.
Anyway, end of thread. Wanted to share my truth. Happy Easter! It’s raining in LA.
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