The entire argument of the Biden campaign had nothing to do with policy.

It was about “electability”.

It was about the idea that if a candidate was “moderate” (really, right-wing), Dems would pick up enough unhappy Republicans and white suburban women to not need the left. /1 that lukewarm liberals have their “electable” candidate coasting to the nomination, why are they already blaming the left for him losing an election THAT IS SEVEN MONTHS AWAY? /2
If you want Republicans and white suburban women to vote for Joe, isn’t your strategy supposed to be to spend that energy winning their vote? /3
Joe Biden winning leftist voters is SUPER EASY.

A serious commitment to only three out of these five would win most of them:

1 Medicare for All
2 Abolish student debt
3 Green New Deal
4 Bernie‘s relief bill
5 Unquestionably progressive Veep (Pramila, etc.)

The plan “scold the left for seven months in order to make Joe Biden electable” is a really bad one. Really, really, REALLY impossibly, insanely bad one.

If that was the plan all along, give up already. /5
If you are a liberal voter who bought this electability argument...sold to you nonstop by the Democratic leadership and a mainstream media that didn’t remotely vet Joe...then you were hornswaggled. /6
Start donating, making phone calls, and convincing the Biden campaign to concede to progressive policies, because the establishment sold you on an “electable” candidate and then left you holding the bill. /7
In no way can leftists get enthusiastic about restoring the pre-Trump conditions that led to Trump in the first place.

In no way can they be held responsible to work for the candidate you said would win without their help.

Hell, Biden himself told us not to vote for him. /8
P.S. This thread is not an argument to vote for anyone other than Biden. Of *course* the sort of administration and appointments made by Joe Biden would be light years ahead of Trump’s insane clown posse.

It’s about “electability”.

Hillary was electable. How’d that work out? /9
Let’s hope there’s a United States and elections in four years so liberals can finally do the right thing and actually stand for something other than the status quo.

Fear leads to bad decision-making.

The End. /10
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