i'm rereading ms. marvel (2014) for the trillionth time but this time lemme make a thread of appreciating the hilarious details in adrian alphona's art bc it's what he deserves 😌⚡️
first page and adrian already spilling facts
"self conscious magazines" "you read 4 words you buy!" 😭
okay for some reason i can't add pics rn this was nice y'all
ANYWAY.. today we learned that josh has birds. what does he think about the inventor
gorgeous beautiful amazing pretty girl
there's so much i could point out here but let's talk about these two for a sec i
let's talk about everyone's reaction here. including the fish on steve's shoulder. the pigeon with the hat. and the eagle who's for some reason wearing gloves imitating kamala
for god's sake
look at that fish just minding its business and then kamala had to drag him out of there top ten problematic tings she's done
update: that fish is alright ❤️ he looks a bit mad though
now hold on
the hedgehog that was in her vision during the terigenesis!!
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