i dont think people talk enough about how harmful truscum/transmed ideals and beliefs really are. a year or so ago, before i found kalvin garrah and all his friends videos, i had never ever doubted myself as a trans man, i enjoyed a lot of “feminine things” and dyed my hair like-
i do now. but then, impressionable little me started watching his hateful ass videos. thankfully i never really believed any of the bullshit he spouted but he definitely made me believe shit abt myself that wasnt true. i shaved my head bc i hated my dyed hair bc i made me feel-
like i wasn’t a real trans man. i felt as if i had to dress completely masculine and try to hide my chest as much as possible or else i wasn’t valid. and i started doubting myself and having worries that i’d never had before. before watching his videos, i had never once thought,
but what if im faking it? what if i’m not really trans? but after watching his videos, he planted that seed in my head that maybe i was faking it. making it was all an act and i had convinced myself i was trans when i really wasn’t. and its extremely harmful because i’ve seen-
the same thing happen to so so so many other trans individuals and it’s disgusting. these people are giving fuel to transphobes that allow them to continue to nitpick at our community and they are planting harmful ideas in young trans kids minds. its not okay.
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