"Digging mass graves. Not in a war zone. Not after an earthquake. But here in Chiselhurst...Behind the cold numbers are the lives cut short, the goodbyes unsaid, the potential unfulfilled." @Channel4News
@mattfrei on #COVID19. #coronavirus #Covid_19
The most vital question journalists must ask the govt is this:

“Your policy has been shaped by behavioural scientists & mathematical modellers. Is it not time that communicable disease & public health experts are also listened to? #COVID19 #coronavirus. https://twitter.com/stefsimanowitz/status/1248976634511843329?s=21
As a journalist I have reported from mass graves in Somaliland and I even located one in Indonesia.

I never imagined there would ever be mass graves in London and New York.
#COVID19 #COVID2019 #Covid_19 #coronavirus #massgraves #corona
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