my single discourse thread for the day is

the whole "male socialization" angle is the most frought possible framing of this topic and its so baffling why a certain crowd wants to die on that particular hill while complaining that it blows up in their face



1) ppl react negatively affect to the words you choose, 2) you explain the words you chose didn't actually mean what they meant, because YOU meant *something else*, 3) repeat for a year...

either you genuinely don't use words how others use them or you're baiting ppl for clout.
I'd wager there is 100% a way to talk about this topics without blatantly misusing a term, without making up another term that echos gender essentialist rhetoric, and without getting predictably huffy at ppl taking umbrage with your statements as taken at face value.
If ppl keep saying, "hey, you're misusing a term, conflating it with some essentialist crap, and then tone policing anyone who mentions that to you," maybe its not actually the other ppl who are deliberately misinterpreting your careless misuse of language to make dubious points!
[Turns to face the camera] Cry bully bs is rampant in our culture at every level and it's a huge part of why you are always so tired.
I advise not interacting with this thread
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