It'll be a year since I've been out of school next month, and for a majority of that time I hated a lot of the things I used to dedicate all of my time to. I was embarrassed and decided devoting myself to reading manga and watching anime was a waste of time.
I really did that out of the thought that I would be ridiculed and made fun by the group of friends I made who jeered at other people who were equally as passionate, but whose appearance and stature was different from mine.
Ultimately, I've come to really hate music. It had transformed from the source of my motivation and passion to a chore. There are multiple reasons I can think of as to why I started hating music, mostly people if I think about it, but overall music just is no longer the same.
I probably shouldn't even be making this thread. Maybe I should have posted this on tumblr or made a thread about something more important like the fact that our health workers need more than just more PPE or that wealthy people should be more like Jack Dorsey.
Maybe one day I'll love music again bc I'm "face first in love" with anime, manga, and Japanese culture again so, here's to hoping for better days with more love.

Wrote this for myself so it'd be nice to not see any comments or anything, thanks!
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