I'm an ML who has organized heavily in anarchist circles for the past three years and this is absolutely, 100% in line with my experiences in "non-hierarchal" groups https://twitter.com/F365Scott/status/1249389895849783296
cliques formed, certain toxic individuals began to take up massive amounts of space in our networks, and abuse was repeatedly covered up or ignored for extended periods of time. people who spoke up were ostracized and isolated
I was actually one of the people who was affected most directly by this behavior. my r*pist was protected by the "not-leadership" for over a year and a half, and vicious rumors were spread about me behind my back by said not-leadership in order to discredit and ostracize me.
things are finally getting better, by the way. I'm no longer being treated like a leper within spaces I helped create. the toxic people have, for the most part, been driven out. however, they're still out there, still organizing, in other decentralized networks đŸ€Š
my assault happened the night after the Charlottesville riots. August 12, 2017. I have still to this day never made a statement publicly identifying my r*pist out of fear for my own safety. alas.
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