If you make a character asexual SPECIFICALLY to make them seem more “pure,” that actively sucks.

We’re not more pure or more wholesome than anyone else. Painting us that way can make it dangerous for us to do anything “unexpected.”
Asexuality doesn’t mean what most people think it means, and people feel justified doing really disgusting things to ace people when they misunderstand and think they’re not REALLY asexual.
I see replies about cool ace characters and that’s great! But I gotta say that making all your ace characters robots, fairies, aliens or otherwise non-human is a whole other problem.
That trope has made it harder for me and enough other ace folks to even identify as human 1/
It’s incredibly distressing and alienating when every character that’s like you is, in some way, literally an alien. Sometimes it’s enough to make me want to say “leave ace characters to the ace creators for now” but that’s not realistic. Just... do research please 😅💖 /2
Honestly my favorite ace representation is probably comic-book Jughead Jones. He’s just a guy who happens to be ace. Cares about his friends and food and is a bit strange but very much a central and loved part of his social group. /3
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