We are not endorsing Joe Biden
While we understand that voting for the democratic candidate is crucial to beating Donald Trump in November, we will not give @JoeBiden our support and volunteer power until he earns our support and addresses the following issues...
•Medicare for All
•Cancelling Student Debt
•How he will hold large corporations accountable
• a comprehensive plan to fight global warming
• He must explain his past positions on DOMA, the Iraq War, and the crime bill that he himself championed
Finally, Joe Biden must become completely transparent about all the sexual assault allegations about him and explain his part of the story fully and truthfully.
Please also understand that this is not an endorsement of Donald Trump. We do not support him and will work to stop his re-election by voting for his opponent. However, we will not volunteer or donate to @JoeBiden until he has done what he needs to earn our support
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