đŸŽŒI found a swarm, I found a swarm, I found a swarm hey hey hey!đŸŽŒ
So, I grabbed the swarm. I’ll explain the steps w/ this caveat—I’m a novice beekeeper. I did this w/ a more experienced keeper who is also new[ish]. Every keeper has different TTPs [tactics, techniques and procedures]. Ask 11 keepers a question and expect 14 different answers.
Decided to add frames that had honey and some “seasoning.” Think about a cast iron skillet. They work better when they’re not fresh off the shelf.

Turns out it’s the same for frames. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸ

I had seasoned frames courtesy of the hive I tended for a year that recently absconded.
This swarm was in the perfect* location. Plan: set bottom box under the swarm. Mist the swarm w/ sugar water and wipe them off the fence w/ a fancy tool. Heh. With a corner flap from a cardboard box, actually.

Steve wasn’t excited about the pictures—I was quick he was patient.
Steve’s proven technique is misting them w/ 1:1 sugar water. Calms them? Distracts them? Don’t know. Do know it doesn’t HARM them when it’s warm weather and they can dry. Next?

I *dont* think its poison ivy but I shouldn’t have laughed when he asked.

This video cracks me up—I can hear a twinge of anxiety in my own voice. I improvised a spray bottle w/ a spray nozzle and a water bottle. Awkward.

Realized I couldn’t [should not] film and focus on a process I’ve never done before in a setting that’s potentially lethal to me.
I misted. He scraped. I steadied the box and hoped we got the queen. Since we collected most of the ball—and the queen is usually at the center—I think we did. They were PISSED though—wasn’t the right time to play Spot the Queen.
We filled it out w/ frames [we left some out for the ball to drop into the box] and then set the second frame filled box on top of it. Left it 3’ from where I found the swarm—and the hope is they’ll all relocate to the hive in the next day or so. It’s purty—I hope they like it!
Remember I said it was the perfect place to catch a swarm? @DevilDog6326’s comment “that’s a small swarm” prompted me to walk outside the fence and look at the back.

Tomorrow I’ll know if we got the queen. If not, and she was on the back of the fence, we’ll rinse and repeat.
I went back a few hours later, just to see. There’s activity and they’re flying in, so I’m hopeful it was a success.
Gratuitous video because bees flying in slow mo never fail to make me happy.
Sent my buddy a photo and he said “wait—that swarm you found today LIVES IN LEGOLAND ALREADY?”


Since you put it that way.

Other buddy said “so you’re telling me you STOLE A BEE BUBBLE?”

Yes. Since you put it that way.

🐝 I can. 🐝 I will. 🐝 I am. 🐝
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