Interesting to see the convos around students being “behind” when we return. Most of our students are assessed at many years behind, due to egregious systemic failures, and are often missing conceptual understanding of the most fundamental topics, yet we are told to 1/
Push on, teach grade level concepts. Now, I don’t disagree w this, but we are told to do this without adequate PL to show us how, resources that are accessible, or often even guidance to know what it’s supposed to look like. 2/
I’ve been at this for 9 years and I think I am maybe starting to have a small inkling of how? And only after I left the classroom and had time to spend hours on my own researching. Now people are talking about changing the entire scope and sequence for next year 3/
because of a couple of months of missed work? Where is this level of concern for the students who are perpetually left behind and the teachers who are always scrambling to help their kids “catch up”? Not to mention the fact that these are certainly the kids who are being 4/
Hurt most by this whole situation. For most of the kids at my school, their families don’t share a language w them (again, systemic failures), so not going to school means no meaningful communication unless they’re able to video chat w teachers or friends. Many can’t. 5/
Not sure what I want from this thread other than for people to realize the concern of how to adjust instruction for a few months of missed instruction is the reality of for many during the best of times and we need so much more energy put towards it. 6/6
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