Hey everyone! It is day 14 and it’s time for me to share my project for #AdamsClonesCare. Check out the page @PACCofficial_ for more information on the project. Today, I will be sharing poetry I like to read whenever I am stressed to help relieve tension. I hope you enjoy.
This first one is by the Talented Erin Hanson. If you aren’t familiar with her work, please check her out! Her poetry is calming and serene, and it always brings me a sense of happiness.
C.S. Lewis wrote a variety of things ranging from The Cronicles of Narnia, to The Screwtape Letters (a fantastic read that I wholeheartedly recommend), to various poems in his lifetime. Give him a look, and peek at his philosophical ideologies as well. It is fascinating.
Some people may find this poem to be a bit intimidating. Personally, I find it to be very calming. It comes with the message that today will pass, and tomorrow will come soon. There are always new beginnings ahead of us, no matter what the situation.
Vasiliu touches on self care here. It has always been hard for me to listen to my own advice on self care, but this poem made it a little clearer as to why it is so important to care for yourself. As everyone says, the first step to loving someone else is loving yourself.
Another Vasiliu poem. Laura loves this one, and told me that she likes to think of it as a checklist for the day, which helps her to be appreciative of all of the people and things she has around her.
I do not know who wrote this piece, but I do know that is resonates with me. I am more of an introvert (shocking, I know), and because of that I enjoy the things listed in this poem. Sometimes, when I am stressed, I close my eyes and imagine these things to calm myself down.
This poem... I love it. It is powerful and impactful, and it hones in on the fact that struggling and enduring pain is inevitable, but it can be crafted into something that can be beneficial.
Erin Hanson, again. A beautiful poem. This one, as well as some of the others, enforces the ideology that struggling makes you into who you are.
“But if you do not dare to change,
You’ll never find out you’re a rose.”
This one by Lindsey Murdock is powerful. Let the storms come, bring on the conflict, the problems, the troubles; but know that I will stand strong in the midst of it all, and I will outlast whatever is thrown at me.
This last poem is from our very own @adamdriverangel. She chose to share this one with me a couple of weeks ago, and I have read it multiple times since. A lovely poem written by a lovey poet.
Thank you all for sticking around and reading these. I appreciate every single one of you, and I hope you all realize how important it is to care for yourself and your mental health. Be sure to donate to our cause if you can. Thank you all.
Love you all,
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