Random Facts That Are True PART 1
DISCLAIMER: I do not want to offend or disrespect anyone in any way. This thread contains topics which may be disturbing, so if you’re squeamish or think you may be affected by this, it may be a good idea to continue scrolling.
“In the United States, every year 2,500 left-handed people die from using equipment that was designed for right-handed people.”
“Some species of butterfly have been known to seek out and drink human blood.”
“You’re more likely to die on the way to buy lottery tickets than you are to actually win.”
“The FDA estimated that the average American eats a pound of insects every year. These insects are usually mixed in with other foods.”
“The toilet is statistically the cleanest place in your home. Your desk, kitchen sink, grocery card, and cellphone all have more bacteria.”
“Feet can sweat up to 20 liters every day.”
“On Mount Everest ,there are 200 corpses of failed climbers. They are used as guide points for climbers on their way up.”
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ALL credit goes to: https://viralnova.com/bad-facts/ 
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