I said this in a reply but:

Art is one of the only ways a trauma victim can express how their abuse felt to them, how it still affects them, to show you something and say "this is how it feels". There is no morality in emotions or trauma.
Art is a medium for expression and communication of abstract concepts. Look at the art that is made by people affected by war, by political upheaval, by oppression. Expressing the darkness and horror they experienced is not glamorizing or normalizing the trauma.
Its Expressing it. Its showcasing it to those who didn't experience it and cannot understand without a lens in which to view it.

This applies to child abuse, this applies to child sexual abuse. All victims deserve the means to express their trauma
Puppymilk is a piece of art. It is clearly meant to make the reader uncomfortable. Its showcasing a representation of very very very real abuse Aggy experienced and is re-contextualizing. If it made you uncomfortable, then congrats, you got the desired effect.
I have read biographies with GRAPHIC deciptions of CSA. These included descriptions of the victim not understanding, thinking it was normal, loving the abuser and only now *years* out realizing how bad it was.
Those depictions are not CP, they are not normalizing or apologizing, they are expressions of how nuanced and fucked up abuse is when its experienced. How much that shit gets in your head and messes with you as you do what you can to survive.
I'm so angry at whats happening to Aggy. She doesn't deserve any of it.
I've muted this thread because I was overwhelmed by the amount of notifications.

But I wanted to add that creators who are marginalized are always targeted more often and more harshly in regards to expressing their trauma, funny that
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