[1/15] The following is a series of memes I created to illustrate why it actually requires MORE faith to believe that the Biblical account of Jesus Christ is FALSE.

Premise #1: the universe had a beginning - even atheists agree!
[2/15] Premise #2: The universe was created by something supernatural. Set aside the argument for the moment what you call it, it's quite far-fetched to say that the universe was created by something that the universe created.
[3/15] Premise #3: this universe shows evidence of design. There are more factors than can be presented in a meme (the amount of O2/CO2; gravitational constant; strong/weak nuclear forces; etc). But the more you dig into it, the more faith it takes to believe it's all random.
[4/15] Premise #4: Life shows evidence of design (part 1). The level of complexity in the design of the universe raises the chances that it came about randomly into absurd levels.
[5/15] Life shows evidence of design (part 2). It was Watson & Crick who first unlocked the secret of DNA. This tiny molecule contains information for every cell in the body.

Atheist Dawkins admits an amoeba has equal to 1000 sets of Encyclopedia Britannica in its DNA.
[6/15] Premise #5: We've been instilled with a moral law. This multi-meme premise shows an idea popularized by C.S. Lewis in his book, Mere Christianity.
[7/15] Moral law (part 2). Lewis was an atheist before carefully considering the existence of God in the universe.
[8/15] Moral law (part 3). The moral law is as "self-evident" as the freedoms upon which our Founding Fathers built this nation.
[9/15] Moral law (part 4)

Hopefully by now I'm beginning to drive home the point of how unlikely it is that this code written on our hearts could have randomly originated by chance.
[10/15] Moral law (part 5) We hear a lot of people boast of being tolerant, who are then unaware of not tolerating that of which they disagree. They are unaware that speaking of tolerance invokes the moral law.
[11/15] Premise #6: Based on what we've observed so far, we can make educated determinations about what caused the universe and everything in it. It becomes more and more of a leap of faith to hold on to the idea that we've arrived where we are by random coincidence.
[12/15] Premise #7: Setting aside the the Bible for a moment, we know that Jesus was a historic person, based solely on the writings of Josephus; Cornelius Tacitus; Pliny the Younger; Phlegon; Thallus; Seutonius; Lucian of Samosata; Celsus; Mara Bar-Serapion; & the Jewish Talmud.
[13/15] Premise #8: Our copy of the New Testament was faithful to what was originally written in the 1st century by using the same benchmark used to authenticate any other ancient literary works.
In fact, it takes more faith to believe in other works over the New Testament.
[14/15] Premise #9: The New Testament contains eyewitness accounts that are trustworthy. Not only would people die for the news they spread, their accounts didn't always paint themselves in the best light, which was atypical of other accounts of history.
[15/15] Premise #10: Jesus fulfilled predictions from the Old Testament that concerned the Messiah.

You are free to believe anything you want. But you can’t, in all intellectual honesty, say that I’m far-fetched for trusting in the Christ of the Bible.
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