I don't know whether Ms. Reade is telling the truth, and the presumption of innocence is a vital pillar of our justice system. But this detail alone presents more contemporaneous evidence against Biden than was ever presented against Kavanaugh:
Also, please recall that the Kavanaugh accuser's star witness (her close friend at the time) not only declined to corroborate the accuser's unsubstantiated story...she has also stated she does not believe the story, noting that she was pressured to lie: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2019/09/16/bring-it-on-conservatives-are-eager-and-willing-to-refight-the-kavanaugh-war-n2553114
Now consider how these two cases have been treated by the media. There is nothing even approaching a consistent standard here. The bias is just right out there in the open, for all to see. Utterly undeniable.
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