~~~ a thread ~~~
Instead of literally copying episode 4 and bringing back a long death character (palpatine), they could have focused on luke rebuilding the jedi order. It would have had Ben Skywalker as the main character and the sole Jedi Master aside from Luke.
The jedi order will be comprised of several younglings and a few apprentices since the new jedi order is only in the process of being built. Ben would be seen teaching the younglings and going on expenditions with the Jedi apprentices. Everything is far simpler than it used to be
Everything falls into place until Ben notices a particular apprentice who lacks the mindset and ideals of a jedi yet harbours the skills of one. Ben tries to connect with that apprentice but ultimately fails, the student starts to doubt the jedi code and the jedi order altogether
The student leaves the order and becomes an anti jedi (a force user who is neither a sith nor a jedi). The whole prequels would primarily be about Ben trying to get that apprentice back (feeling responsible for the apprentice's desertion).
They would have their typical light saber fights and exhibitions of strength (though neither of them truly want to hurt each other). Ben's journey would have the typical trio, R2 and 3PO for the sake of Star Wars tradition. Ben's goal is to bring the apprentice back while the-
apprentice just wants to be left alone. Maybe fill it with more subplots and conflicts in the middle to show more action and climax. As Ben's journey progresses, he slowly starts to understand the Anti Jedis sentiments. This will be shown through several scenarios that leads to-
Ben's realization. (Because It is a canon fact that the Jedi are FLAWED. Ultimately, they are "Good" but their code isnt exactly the best there is, hence the increasing amounts of Sith and dark force users throughout the clone wars). At the same time Anti Jedi also begins-
to understand Ben's sentiments with his main goal to reestablish The Jedi Order and maintain peace in the galaxy. It really would've been great to explore the Jedi's flaws in these movies since these flaws were already heavily hinted in the prequels. They wouldnt seem abrupt or-
out of the blue. By the end of the trilogy, we would have arrived to the falling action where Ben and the Anti Jedi have fully understood each other. Ben decides to let the Anti Jedi be seeing as his direction is not "evil" or "bad" at all. Ben goes back to the Jedi Order and-
speaks with luke. Ben tells Luke how the old Jedi Code is flawed and he felt that it needed change. Change that would have less hypocrisy and divert from unecessary tradition. Luke, being reminded of what the original Jedi Code had done to his father, wholeheartedly agrees.
Ben starts to manage the Jedi order differently, observing a new code that would benefit all of his students. He learns that tradition does not make something right or acceptable. Several years later he gets visited by a wandering traveler. He later finds out that it was his old-
apprentice, who has now grown into a fine man. At first the two were hostile toward each other, but eventually establish that neither wanted any conflict. The Anti Jedi tells Ben that he had some time to reflect upon his actions and has come to apologize
Despite this however, his mindset and stand on the whole thing remains unchanged. Ben understands but makes sure to mention the changes he had implemented in in Order and the very code itself. Ben apologizes as well for letting all of this happen in the first place, and asks the-
Anti Jedi to become a mentor or a master for the younglings and apprentices. "They need not to know of tradition and customs but rather of conviction, empathy and integrity" Ben has recognized his apprentice to be worthy of this. The Anti jedi refuses at first-
But ultimately agrees in the end. The two along with some other knights build The New Jedi order, an order stronger and better than that of the old. I think it would make a great contrast to the black and white conflicts that the OT and prequels had.

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