#vmin au — first kiss

During these tiring days when they practice until their lungs burn and their limbs ache, when they sing together for hours, share meals and say good night to each other really late at night when they are finally able to go to bed,
most people would think spending almost every waking moment of the day together with a person you deeply cherish—sharing passions, memories, tears, laughs, and secrets—would forge a really strong relationship. And they are right.
But sometimes, things go in ways we wouldn't have been able to predict. Sometimes, feelings grow too much, uncontrolled and rampant, like a dam breaking suddenly and letting water flood everything on its path.

All of a sudden, you are hyper-aware of your best friend's behavior,
every little thing they do, every little habit they have, how they seem to glow in your eyes and how they are the only ones able to make you the happiest or to break you the easiest with mere words. They become alluring.

Feelings are confusing and not something easy to control,
so when you start to crave more physical affection, more praising words and endearing remarks, you know things could either go downhill and crash in a second, or they could grow to be the most beautiful thing you have ever experienced.
Taehyung and Jimin were afraid—they were oh, so afraid of what flooded inside of them when that dam broke. They have been friends for a while, they went to school together, they knew each other's family, they helped each other in their most vulnerable times.
How could they betray their bond like this? With these feelings that seemed to have come to cause havoc in their already established relationship?

They have been staring too much lately, eyes wandering over the other's face for a little too long to pass off as a normal look.
It's almost as if they were studying each other. Taehyung noticed how Jimin looks the cutest when he giggles, covering his mouth with his tiny hand, his eyes becoming adorable crescents and his laugh being such a heavenly sound to hear; but more than anything,
he's noticed just how soft and plump Jimin's lips look all the time. They have the perfect pink color and he can't help but gulp when the slightly older boy runs his thumb over his lips to clean any remaining sauce from his meal, the flesh looking so plush to the touch.
On the other hand, Jimin has been going through his own struggle. Why is Taehyung so enthralling to look at? The little beauty marks on the boy's face are so cute to him that he has the urge to leave soft pecks on all three of them. His eyelashes are long
and make him look so pretty and he wants to thread his fingers through Taehyung's fluffy hair. He loves to see the younger smile, it brings such joy to him, and he finds it so adorable when his cheeks bunch up and his eyes seem to sparkle while doing so.
He has such a genuine smile, Jimin thinks. Though, when he sees Taehyung smile, he can't help but focus on the boy's pink heart-shaped lips which he also tends to lick too much, only causing Jimin to unconsciously lick his own.
They go about their days trying to not think about how their lips would fit together, about what it would be like to sit in the darkness and quietness of Taehyung's room and just kiss. A soft peck, followed by another and another,
before eventually, they are locking lips slowly because there is no rush. They would be so tender and gentle because they would want to pour every ounce of love and appreciation they have for the other in that kiss. It was so tempting...

They became restless and scared.
For almost two months now, they have been feeling hesitant and on edge around each other and it has been very obvious for anyone to see. They no longer sit close together to eat, they scurry to their rooms as soon as they can without saying a word to the other;
they don't even want to share a water bottle! So everyone is just wondering if they had had some kind of fight and are now in the hurt and petty stage where they wait to see who gives in first. Both of them seem too anxious about the matter, though.
But one day, after an especially exhausting schedule, Jimin just wants someone to hug and cuddle to sleep. He feels like crying when he remembers he's too used to do that with Taehyung and he misses him so much it has started to physically hurt;
still, his body moves on automatic, looking for the boy after he gets home. He's been feeling drained lately without Taehyung; it's as if the younger was his vitamin who can make him feel joyful and at ease for as long as he is beside him.
He craves for the long talks sprawled on the couch, the laughs shared over meals and the soft and innocent touches as shows of appreciation. Jimin is tired of thinking he has to stay away until this—whatever this is—disappears. They have to talk it out soon;
he is unsure about what he is going to say to fix this and not mess everything else up with complicated emotions, but they have to do it soon.

He knew Taehyung was in his room because he didn't see him when he passed the living room and the kitchen;
yet, just when he turns into the hallway where the rooms are, he crashes into someone who came walking out too fast. The shorter boy almost falls over but manages to regain his balance and looks up while rubbing his nose after hearing a little gasp,
only to find Taehyung there, looking at him like a deer caught in headlights. Jimin wants to say something, he feels more alert now than when he tiredly and sleepily entered the dorm; his mouth opens and he feels air getting caught in his throat.
However, before he can actually say anything, Taehyung takes his hand and drags him to his room, briskly closing the door as if he was running from something. He stays like that for a few seconds, hand on the doorknob and back facing Jimin.
The older is jittery while standing there awkwardly, waiting for Taehyung to do something, maybe to say whatever he was going to say. His hands tremble at his sides before he notices and grasps them in front of himself.

Taehyung is trying to maintain his breathing steady,
but it has proven to be difficult. He's been thinking long and hard about everything—so much so that his head started to throb—and he misses Jimin more than he could ever express… He's so accustomed to having him around, to feel that caring and supportive presence beside him,
to have Jimin cheer him up during the times when he feels pressured to the point of breaking and to enjoy his days together with him. He misses the hugs and the inside jokes. Everything suddenly became so dull.
So he decided to do something about it and go look for Jimin to get everything out of his chest. Yet, when he had Jimin so close in front of him again, looking at him with concerned eyes and about to say something, he panicked
and his only instinct was to quickly take him somewhere he could be honest privately at…. But he's still panicking.



Jimin stills when Taehyung turns around, the younger has such a conflicted look in his eyes.
He can see that he is paining, of course he would be able to see it. They know each other too well. Taehyung is trembling, it's barely noticeable unless you looked very closely, but the shivers are there. His thick dark brows are knitted together
and he's holding back tears…. Oh no, Jimin can't see Taehyung cry, he will cry too. The older attempts to come closer to comfort him, however, Taehyung can't take that right now and raises a hand to stop him.
The look on Jimin's face stung his heart more than what he had felt all this time apart. Hurt. He was truly, genuinely hurt that the younger rejected him like that when he just wanted to help him. Jimin glanced sideways, chest constricted,
his right hand that he had raised when he reached out to touch Taehyung, lowers slowly and he takes a step back, swallowing thickly.

Taehyung can't see him like that, his eyes clench shut, his jaw set,
and he feels like the worst person alive for maybe making Jimin think that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore when all he really wants is to hug him and never let go. He wants to bury his face in the older’s neck
and feel his fingers lovingly run through his locks of hair as he would usually do when Taehyung is tired or distressed. Why is this so complicated? Why does he have to do this? He feels his nose starting to run and hurries to try to say what he needs to say,
even if by the time he opens his eyes again the look Jimin would give him would break him even more. Taehyung’s heart hammers painfully against his ribcage and he can feel the tears trying to escape from behind his eyelids. Jimin stares at him, concerned and confused,
his lower lip caught between his teeth to stop it from trembling. He doesn't know how he can make it better when Taehyung doesn't let him near him, he can see Taehyung might break down and that only makes him feel incredibly powerless and desperate. His arms twitch,
wanting to try to embrace him again.

"I think I like you." Taehyung blurts out in a single and shaky breath.

It's silent. It's so quiet the younger swears he can hear someone laughing all the way in the living room. He doesn't want to look, he's too afraid to do so.
Blood rushes to his ears and he can hear his heartbeat; he wonders if that's why he doesn't hear anything else.

On the other hand, Jimin felt paralyzed. When he heard those words coming out of Taehyung's mouth,
he stopped breathing for a second and had to physically pinch himself—two times, to be sure. He wanted to scream at him for being an idiot and then wail because he was an idiot too, but then he felt like laughing instead because this just couldn't be happening;
in the end, he did neither of those when he noticed just how fearful Taehyung seemed to be after that.

"Taehyung, look at me."

Jimin's voice is steady, demanding but not loud. There is no disgust, no anger, nor awkwardness… and that only terrifies Taehyung more;
there's just nothing. So he stays still, fists balled tightly at his sides and nails digging in his palms, trying to convince himself that maybe this is all a dream and if he doesn't do anything he'll wake up and then he won't think this is a good idea anymore.

Jimin sighs,
he tried to sound as neutral as he could because what he actually felt was that he could choke up any minute now from how overwhelming all of this was and he didn't want to scare the boy any further, but it seems to have had the completely opposite effect.
He takes a step forward, then another, and another, until he's in front of the taller boy; he cups his cheeks and Taehyung flinches but doesn't move away from the pleasant touch. His eyes aren't as tightly shut anymore and his nails stop hurting his skin.
"My baby, look at me, please." Jimin tries again with a smile this time, his voice is gentle and his tone almost motherly. He really doesn't want Taehyung to feel troubled or uncomfortable about this. Jimin will do anything to make it better to him, and Taehyung knows it.
Taehyung slowly opens his eyes and looks directly into the older's to find them sparkling with unshed tears. He quickly wipes them away for him and then cradles his face in his hands. Jimin pulls Taehyung’s head down so he can press his forehead against his own
and they stay like that, just gazing into each other's eyes, drawn-out breaths and tender hands. Before long, though, Jimin's face contorts and he starts sobbing silently. Alarmed but without moving from their position,
Taehyung tries to comfort the boy, wiping his tears with his thumbs and petting his hair. Jimin closes his eyes and shakes his head faintly while Taehyung, who has finally started to cry as well, whispers sweet words in between asking him what was wrong,
when—all of a sudden—there's nothing again.

No more silent whimpers as Jimin was too busy brushing his lips against Taehyung's to make any sound. Taehyung's eyes are blown wide, tears still running, hands lingering over the sides of Jimin's head, shocked.
Jimin was still crying too, his brows furrowed in concern and his pillowy lips pursed funnily against Taehyung's as he carefully held onto his cheeks; he was just waiting to be shoved away for doing that. Though, when he felt Taehyung relax, cup his face again and kiss back,
he knew this was okay. They were okay.

They felt warmth, something blooming and expanding inside of them, engulfing their chests like ivy with a pleasant feeling as their hearts beat in sync, fingers shaking slightly against warm skin
and little sighs escaping parted lips every couple of seconds. Taehyung tentatively leaned closer, his nose slightly bumping against Jimin’s, the scent of coconut and honey from Jimin's conditioner tickling his nose and immersing him in a trance.
Jimin let himself be consumed by the sweetness of Taehyung's lips moving softly against his own. The movements were slow and timid considering it was their first kiss together, they were still somewhat shy about it. The corners of Jimin’s mouth move upwards at that,
and with it, the kiss broke. A woozy Taehyung looked back at him, blinking dazedly.

The tears had dried, the whimpers were replaced by painfully wide grins and caring glances, and relief settled over them like a cozy blanket. Their affection was returned.
Taehyung felt light, as if he dared to feel just a little happier, his feet would leave the ground. He was in a state of elation, the kiss left a pleasant sensation buzzing all over his body. Meanwhile, Jimin’s lips tingled from the lingering kiss
and his cheeks adopted a barely noticeable pink hue; he felt like he could do anything from how ecstatic he was. So he did.

"I like you too..." He smiled apprehensively, his gentle eyes looked at him with a twinkling sparkle in them that Taehyung hasn’t ever seen.
He looked at him like he was the biggest serendipity of his life, and that made Taehyung’s breath hitch.

The taller boy let out a couple of breathy chuckles, the situation overwhelming him again and making his mind fuzzy,
so he took Jimin’s hand in his—gently this time—and guided him to his bed to sit down. They talked about their confusing emotions and how long they had been feeling this way. Before they knew it, an hour had passed
and it was almost time for dinner when Taehyung’s expression suddenly dulled and his eyes lowered. Jimin tilted his head, puzzled because the boy was smiling just a minute ago, he held Taehyung’s hand in both his own and asked what was wrong,
and the answer he got left him thinking.

“What about our friendship? Are we going to ruin it?” The younger sounded genuinely concerned if the tremble in his voice was anything to go by.

Jimin stayed silent, playing with Taehyung’s slim fingers
and trying to find comforting words to provide him some peace of mind. They had crossed a line and it’s not like they could go back to normal and forget anything happened after wearing their hearts on their sleeve for the other to see. Jimin looked up,
a frown on his face, before he kissed the pouty boy’s forehead and hugged his head to his chest in an attempt to reassure him further that it was okay. Taehyung embraced his waist in a hug and Jimin pecked the top of his head, humming a melody he just came up with.
After a minute or so, he carefully separated the younger from himself, smiling when he saw the sleepiness on his face.

“I like to kiss you, do you like to kiss me?” The shorter boy asked in a whisper,
receiving a firm nod in return—no hesitation—; he giggled, “Well then, nothing will happen. Our friendship won’t be ruined because we already loved each other even before we liked each other.
Our loving relationship as best friends doesn’t have to change because of this, Taehyung, but if anything were to change, it would only expand beyond whatever line we might have thought as a limit.”
Taehyung listened attentively to every word uttered by Jimin and had to take a moment to appreciate how fortunate he was to have someone like him in his life,
someone who cared so deeply for him that always had his feelings as a priority so he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable if he can help it.

Taehyung buried his face in the older’s chest again, trying to hide how much those words had touched him.
Jimin simply rested his cheek on top of the Taehyung’s head, proud of himself for returning the younger’s smile to its rightful place.

“I want to keep kissing you,” Taehyung mutters with a yawn, “Would that be okay?”
Jimin smiled against fluffy hair and hugged the boy in his arms tighter.

“Of course it would.”
the end. 🐯❤️🐥

i got really inspired by this tweet 😭 like it SMACKED ME IN THE FACE and i suddenly HAD to write it. i really hope you liked this little thing 🥺 thank you for reading! 💟 https://twitter.com/vminscupid/status/1248568910351339520?s=21
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