Hey everyone !

So... I'm leading a video game project...
I was doing this alone (unless I don't count ideas from my friends) for almost 3 years, and...

I'm kinda stuck right now.

So I need an assist trophy.


RTs are appreciated.

So basically, the idea is that the game is half an RPG, half a 2D platformer, and is supposed to look like a 2D game from a PS1 or a Sega Saturn.

Here are some pics to get the idea.

I know, Sonic Mania and Earthbound aren't PS1-Saturn games.
BUT they are my primary sources of inspiration.

Back to the game idea, it would has an RPG overworld and platformer stages, a little bit like Sonic Adventure, or Sonic Unleashed without the werehog.

But it will also have features like modyfing the main character's moveset, or making social links like in the Persona series.

I think it's better not to tell the plot for now, I don't want my project to get plagiarized before getting out of its egg, so no plot, no character, I won't leak anything.

So yeah, this project is quite ambitious. Maybe a little too ambitious for one person with little to no budget.

That's where I need your help.

So technically, I have a precise idea of what I want the game to look like, and I think I'm able to handle everything in the project.
Anything except coding. I suck at this.

What I mean is :
Plot: I can
Characters: OK
Graphics: I can
Music: I can
But programming...

That's probably not the only problem I have, but basically, I'm in this kind of situation where I could lead a game project, but can't make it real due to the lack of co-workers.

Sounds like the project is "doomed" at this point, maybe I should cancel it and move on to something else, but...

I can't.

And I have my reasons.

If I ever had to cancel this project, it would be like having a long awaited child who dies right before their birth.

And no good parent wants to lose a child.

...I went emotional quite quickly.

So yeah, for once, I created an universe which I'm proud of.
It took 3 years of refining, and it's still not completely refined yet, but it turned out to be a good cohesive universe.

Discarding it would be such a waste.

That's what I need something to fill the gaps, some people who have the remaining pieces of that puzzle I struggle to finish for so long.

So if by chance you stumble upon this thread, I would appreciate some advice. If you don't have any, you can still retweet this thread, it's equally nice.

Thanks !

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