Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker.

A 10 Tweet Summary of a book that will change your evenings forever.

@sleepdiplomat @threadreaderapp
Sleep is a strange phenomenon from an evolutionary perspective. It makes us spend 1/3 of our lives unconscious - increasing our risk of being killed.

To compensate, it must have serious benefits.

New research shows that almost every bodily function benefits from sleep.
There are 2 types of sleep: REM & NREM (Non-REM). We sleep in cycles of both these.

- NREM sleep helps shift memories from short term areas to medium & long term areas in the brain.
- REM sleep helps make connections between internal memories in the brain.
The domestication of Fire & its impact on our sleep could be the reason for our world domination.

Apes sleep on trees, but they can't sleep too deeply as they might fall & perish.

Our mastery of Fire allowed us to sleep on floors & still keep safe from other creatures.
Sleeping safely on floors allowed humans to sleep deeply & get more REM sleep.

This resulted in a more complex brain structure that could do advanced tasks including maintaining complex social relationships.

This made mass cooperation & dominance of the food chain possible.
We are all wired to sleep for 7 to 8 hours at night & 30-45 minutes in the afternoon.

Each of us has an inbuilt body clock which maintains our natural sleep cycles:
- 40% of us are 'morning people'
- 30% of us are 'night owls'
- 30% of us fall somewhere in between
Daily life is unfair for the 60% of people that are not 'morning people'. They are forced to wake up early and suffer a host of drawbacks.

Under-slept people are less productive, less motivated, less creative, less happy, & more likely to have health problems.
Daylight savings time disrupts the sleep of 1.5 billion people who sleep for an hour less on a particular day.

Reports of heart attacks spike the following day.

The opposite happens at the end of this period when people sleep for an extra hour - heart attacks plummet.
Schools that have delayed start times have seen a drastic increase in student test scores & learning ability.

Sleep converts short term memories into medium & long term memories.

It acts as a 'refresh' button that clears the cache of the brain & allows for new learning.
Sleep is not the absence of wakefulness. It is far more than that. It is a complex, metabolically active series of unique stages.

Sleep reduces your risk of heart attacks, strokes & dementia. It helps you live longer, learn better, feel happier & be more productive.
The best way of improving sleep is going to bed & waking up at the same time every day.

Besides this, avoid exercising late in the day. Avoid alcohol & large dinners before bed.

Relax & take a hot bath before you hit the pillow. Keep your bedroom cool, dark & gadget-free.
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