In my youth, I was a bookworm. Still am. "You read too much, you go mad", an old friend would say. And my father would add, "Too much knowledge makes you a sad sad man". I never listened. I read all the time, about everything.

You read about the nauseating mess that's Nigeria👇
...and your head falls to pieces, and then you read about unending horror that's the Congo and it falls into even smaller bits. Takes weeks to pick up the pieces and put them back together. Your patched head never feels the same afterwards.

Ignorance is bliss. Stay ignorant!
Unfortunately most of us are not as informed & wise as we like to think we are. Undiagnosed Ignorance is part of the reason why people with poor, shallow minds, shady character and the lowest morals have become our icons, leaders and opinion moulders. Ignorance stunts and kills.
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