Amazing. I - with my relatively tiny and insignificant twitter account - am being held to account by annoyed followers for holding Keir Starmer - the Leader of the Opposition - to account for *not* holding Boris Johnson - the Prime Minister - to account whilst 1000 die each day
Here’s the bottom line. Labour have a new leader. I know you desperately want to believe in him and you may think ‘At last! Corbyn has gone! I don’t feel politically homeless!’ and you want him to succeed. I want him to succeed too. But this is WAAAAY more important than that.
Being bipartisan about it MEANS you question everything and criticise every step. Because it’s a national emergency and lives are at stake. I hate Johnson and I hate the Tories but on this I desperately - with all my heart - want them to succeed. Because that means lives saved.
If there’s no opposition, an angry opposition demanding answers, then that’s bad for everyone. Far more people will die. More mistakes will continue to happen. You may well have a huge erection for either Starmer or Johnson, but this is more important than you protecting your man
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