I listened to the whole jakobin podcast where Micah Eric and Marienela all get weepy that Bernie dropped out. They agree that sanders is a unique figure in American history for his stubborn principles (sorry debbs, I guess going to prison for your beliefs doesn’t cut it).
They are very anxious about the dangers of *shudders* anarchism, because Micah remembers how marginal he felt as a sophomore in college doing critical mass in Michigan. Definitely agree that no one wants to go back to the bad old days of 2003 Micah!
Also did you know that DSA is at the leading edge of the labor movement’s resurgence and militancy? I didn’t either. I’ll remember to ask the DSLC why they couldn’t endorse the UC wildcat strikes next time I run into one of them!
To those who are super concerned that a marginal voice such as myself might drive the entire US left away from electoral work, rest easy! I only advocate that we should concentrate on building independent working class power at work & in our communities.
If some lefty politicos want to tail working class movements then by all means, follow us into the fight! In the meantime get engaged with the class struggle around you and get organized ✊
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