Anyway how are content creators/ influencers coping during the Stay-Home emerging economy?

And do you know what that means for you regarding social media pages and monetizing?
A while back I’ve touched on driving trafficking to other marketing channels , e-commerce will be essential during this time. @LeratoMannya did this perfectly with the ring light and now we see more brands in need of this type of amplification during this time.
With the number of people at home, it is still very bizarre to me that brands arn’t directing some of their projected traditional marketing budgets to digital instead they are cutting it
While a number of people are hinting at how to pivot, one of the best ways is to be a content contributor, this eliminates posting through your pages but you can be a supplier like other freelancers writing articles and sharing ideas with brands how they can create content
Solidifying yourself in your niche also allows you to be both a content contributor and influencers, doubling up your pay cheque. Remember you are on the ground and they need content right now
I think it is also important to understand within your niche which category you fall under; amplification, engagement, content creation, education or all the above. Does anyone know why we were all making amaginywa? I do 🤫
So before the threat of pivoting sounds difficult, remember to spend this time being yourself, being genuine, engage with people, allow yourself to be vulnerable, and have fun creating the content 🌸
Look into “The Stay-Home economy” and what it could mean for you.
You can follow @MsManager_.
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