Even after 8+ years of being a Soraru fan, I still have a hard time accepting how he addresses female beauty/losing weight etc., fully knowing how young and influenceable most of his audience is... yet he mixes it up with some really strong points so I can hardly be mad
I believe he has good intentions, encouraging his fans to live healthily and to find partners instead of focussing on him, but saying one has to lose weight = be beautiful to get a bf is... kinda wrong.
But yeah, he also told a fan that said she's ugly, that she probably is someone that is in fact beautiful but only thinks that she's ugly (which isn't true -> low self esteem). I believe that telling her that is a very positive thing...

Hence I can't really get mad
Still, I'd love it if he realised that losing weight isn't equal to being beautiful, and also that 'losing weight' on its own is easier said than done.

~le fin~
PS.: I didn't have time to tune into his livestream, so I based this entirely on @idkbria 's translations! Credits to her for live translating! ^^*
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