Before you buy ACNH #ACNH #AnimalCrossing
You can only have 1 island/console. This mean you can't create another island even if you switch to another profile. You'll be sharing island that the 1st player created. This game is not recommended if you share your switch with others-
The 1st profile to play this game will be the mayor of the island. Other profile will have restriction such as like : not able to experience event, not able to progress further than the 1st player, content locked until 1st unlocked them, not able to build houses etc
I'm making this thread because I'm a sad potato now. Me and my brother decided to buy acnh yesterday. We watch several game review and not a single one talk about shared island. I was so sad that I couldn't get to experience the full game after I learned this shared island thing.
If there's a comment saying I should buy another switch : fuck off, I'm broke ass college student. I won't give my money to neentendo greedy ass.
Animal Crossing New Horizon sucks.
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