#TeaWithV recap for #Outlander #FamousLastWords. I think my followers know that when I love something (hello 507!), I’ll gush. But when I don’t, 😬. And I struggled w/ whether I wanted to write this because this fandom doesn’t always do well w/ less than positive praise.
As a book reader, I knew this wasn’t going to be my favorite episode because admittedly, I’m not a huge Roger fan. But had the episode been a successful one, I believe I would’ve been more understanding of his trauma. Instead, his manpain got more screentime then Bree’s trauma 😞
When the silent movie treatment dropped in the title card, I was instantly thrown off. It was so NOT Outlander, it was never going to work. I can appreciate a risk, but it still has to fit w/ what you’ve established tonally as a show. Roger’s trauma was overshadowed by a gimmick.
And as a side note, MBR telling us to watch a second time before passing judgment is proof positive that he doesn’t actually trust the audience’s judgment. That if he just tells us to “get it”, then we’ll magically do so. It’s pretentious at best. Anyway...
Here’s one positive note. I think Rik and especially Sophie did well considering what they we’re given. I’d argue that as of now, it was her best performance this season. But I have issues with Bree taking a back seat to Roger. She had great stuff in the book- more of that!!!!
The astrolabe. Once again, an opportunity missed to develop Jamie & Bree’s relationship. LJG is not even in the damn book! And it’s not a reflection on David, who’s always great. But why these writers are so determined to undermine this core relationship is beyond me.
One big highlight: Seeing J&C playing hide & seek w/ Jemmy. These are the sweet quiet moments that really help flesh out the relationships on the show. This is what J&C never had and thus, the audience never got to see. Family means everything and so seeing these moments matter.
Another highlight: the return of Young Ian! I’ve been looking forward to seeing John Bell on the screen again. He did an excellent job of conveying that Ian is not the same man as when he left. And his scenes w/ Lauren and Sam really added some heft when the flashbacks didn’t. ☕
It also goes to show that Jamie and Claire always need to steer this ship. Having them in less than 50% of an episode shows. They should never be side characters in their own story. Full stop. That being said, knowing what’s coming next week, I think we’ll be back on track.
So there’s my take. I know some won’t like it, but it’s my truth. I love Outlander but it’s not a show where you should try to outclever the audience. You have great source material and the episodes that work best tend to honor that. See ya next week, folks âœŒđŸ»
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