The concept of fire is not what we were taught . The letter says fire , but did it really mean fire ? Plus things weren’t so before the fall ... fire is a form of purification . I can say more but not here
Plus God is not a sadist , the hell Jesus was talking about was a place at that time Called GEHENA. It was a place where they burnt refuse and things they didn’t need . The Jews understood ehat Jesus was saying ... but the issue is , hell exists but it’s a place in death not...
...Necessarily with fire and all that has been added to cause fear . Ask yourself , where did people who died go before the death of Christ and why was he in hell for three days if that’s really where God wanted his enemies to go.The Bible clearly states who the enemy of God is..
... and it’s not sinners think about it ...
Job referred to hell as shoel , Jesus actually said “Hell fire” it means hell has a place where there’s fire but not the whole place .... I hope you get my explanations I’m typing in a rush ...
The one we should actually fear is God because he created everything including darkness but the question is why...? The answer is also in the Bible he really is God with or without man , he loves man Cos we carry his true Essence but he created everything else for his pleasure
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