day 2 of chloe tings 2 week shred challenge and i got my period this morning so! i hated everyone second of the workout but! i did it!
day 3!!! it was 4 workout videos and i'm sweating buckets but i feel GOOD!! and i can already feel myself getting stronger with some of the sets i'm so happy
day 4!!! they added in arms today and i am WEAK but i feel good
day 5 was a rest day but i still did a lil cardio and ab! but day 6 today was dope!! but i found it so hard for some reason??? but i feel good
day 7!!! halfway done!! i always hate the workout because i'm always left breathless but afterwards i feel so good and accomplished!!!
day 8!!! i literally hated today's workout during it like everything was sore and i didn't do my best but hey!!! at least i got my body moving!!!
day 9!! it was technically a rest day but i decided to do some abs and do a cardio workout and it felt GOOD to get my body moving and sweating
day 10!!! i can slowly see some abs (if you can't that's fine cAUSE I SWEAR I CAN) and i feel stronger!!! today was rough it was hard but i did it!!

(also why are my eyes literally always closed)
day 11!! i had a rlly busy day and lowkey didn't put in as much effort but hey! at least i did it!
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