Serious question: if Covid-19 has been in CA for months (some day since last fall), why hasn’t the entire state succumbed by now to the dire predictions? We didn’t start social distancing until last month.
My point is that we carried on normally for almost three months with the virus in our midst. Our economy did not have to be shut down. I think we are being lied to.
We cared for our sick without the hospitals being overwhelmed. We dealt with it without panic. Unfortunately some people died, as with many other diseases.
But since the government told us this scary virus exists, what has happened? People began to hoard water and toilet paper and cleaning products. They we were told we had to stay away from each other. And then they took away our livelihood.
They took away our livelihood, our freeeom to assemble and to worship. They tried to take away our right to purchase firearms. They told us we are only allowed to leave our homes when necessary.

And we have complied.
Where has our docile compliance gotten us? We are far worse off than we were in January, but not because of the disease. It’s because of the “cure.”
Big Government “solutions” never tilt towards liberty. They tilt towards tyranny, while saying it’s for our own good.
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