Two things can be true at the same time (in fact, more than two, but that's another story): China can be an imperial, colonial, racist state with delusions of being a superpower...and it can be the recipient of American aggression and propaganda.
I know this is difficult for people, especially American anti-imperialists to understand (although I don't know why, read some fucking dialectics) but China is NOT your friend, or the friend of any anti imperialist. Criticising US imperialism does not have to = loving China.
If you want to know what China is, ask actual Asians. As in Southeast Asians resisting Chinese control, as in parts of Korea that was colonized for 1100 years (yup that's the right number). Or ask Africans who can't work in their own country cos of Chinese racism & settlement.
The American left is a joke. The fact that a lot of you think one leviathan horror is the antithesis to your leviathan horror tells me everything about your supreme lack of imagination. Read some dystopia and please, shut up about how well China is handling the virus.
And most of all, stop equating Chinese people with the Chinese state. Criticism of the state is not equivalent to racism against the Chinese diaspora. I don't have to love the Chinese state to hate white supremacy. Thanks for coming to my Bed Talk (cos I'm tweeting from there).
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