✨When I was 6, I thought that my father didn’t love me and it was my fault.
When I was 13, I thought I would never find love because I was into women and I would never be “normal”.
When I was 20, I met someone who I truly cherished but because I did not forgive my past-
and myself, I would treat them is not the best light, I was possessive and thought they were cheating on me when they weren’t and I would have so much anxiety from this relationship. The anxiety that I created in my own mind. I thought I was a disappointment to my family-
because I didn’t want to do what they wanted me to do. I wasn’t enough for them. Enough for anyone.
Now at 24, going to be 25 later on, I realized just how much peace I have if I actually pick apart how I was feeling to how I am feeling now.-
I realized how good it feels to truly set people free and let the universe deal with it because no one deserves to be treated horribly, or feel unloved. Finding some much-needed closure and peace within myself has helped me in so many ways.-
I used to think of myself so lowly too, like I was just a sex toy, searching for love is not the best way either through my body, or money, or time. I got used and abused by quite a few. Thrown out into a blizzard at one point, stranded at others, taken by force...but all of-
that pain, that suffering, that embarrassment and humiliation, that violation has made me a stronger today than I have been for a while and I love every part of my soul, the darkness, the light, the in-between, all of it. I love me and no one will use me, abuse me, treat me-
like shit again!! Because I’m putting myself first! I just wanted to share this lol I was thinking about this last night and this morning and wanted to let you know me more on a personal level.✨
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