Ok, here's everything I learned yesterday about livestreaming stuff.
What I wanna be able to do is:

1. Play music from Serato
2. Show visuals other than my webcam
3. Stream to multiple locations (Periscope, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, etc)
1. Loopback lets me turn Serato into an audio device so I can route that audio wherever I want w/o a physical interface: https://rogueamoeba.com/loopback/ 
2. OBS is open source streaming software. https://obsproject.com/ 

I can route my audio signal into OBS and use that to stream anywhere I want. OBS is dope because I can bring in video, my desktop, a webcam or lots of other inputs into a livestream.
3. Restream https://restream.io/ 

Restream will let you stream to multiple platforms at once via obs if you select it from the dropdown and past the stream key. You just sign in with your credentials on each platform and voila.
I think all of these platforms prefer the tightest compression on an h.264 video file since it has to stream / convert.

Handbrake is probably my favorite free software to compress a video for Mac/the web: https://handbrake.fr/ 
There are a ton of creative possibilities with this combo of software. I'm still learning all this stuff but happy to help any of ya'll figure it out. Maybe I'll do a livestream of how to livestream but that feels way too meta.
You can follow @RashidZakat.
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