Today is 1 month since #SouthKorea hit peak cases in isolation. 4 days in row of sub-50 new #Covid19 cases (32 today); MOST cases are "imported," primarily from USA. Weekend testing is 4.1K, still large for this level of outbreak. 1/3
This is far from impossible. They have NOT shut down the country. But they do take it seriously. EVERYONE, from the KCDC to the leadership to the people on the street. ONE MONTH to get this under control. With MASSIVE testing and tracing. 2/3
And with that all, they STILL have cCFR of 2+%. This remains a serious illness & one that more than decimates the elderly, particularly those who live in institutions (nursing homes, etc.). We have a window of opportunity NOW to prevent further death and economic destruction. 3/3
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