Usually don't participate in these discussions but here goes.
Is God a God of love, yes he is
Is Heaven or new Zion a place of holiness, yes it is.
Is hell or the lake of fire meant for the human creation that God loves? No it is not. But here's why
A thread.
1. When God created man, He created us in his own image. Genesis 1:26. God created man as a ruler, to be holy, to be independent and to be able to make decisions( free will) God didn't create man as a mindless robot to his bidden but as being with free will with knowledge lf him.
1b. God creating man in his image also means God created man in his holiness. To be holy just as he is. Leviticus 19:2 and Leviticus 20:26.
To be like God means to be holy. The Garden of Eden was also a place considered as holy to God and thus the holy man could exist there...
1c. This is why. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They sinned and thus were unholy and became disconnected from God. How? Because of free will. They therefore couldn't remain in holy Eden because of their sin and were driven out. But God still love man & all those who where holy
2. Fast forward. Cos of Adam and Eve's sin. We were naturally born in sin. Psalm 51:5. Thus still disconnected from God.
To reconnect us back to God. Jesus was sent to the world. Not to be a ruler but to be a redeemer who taught us to love even on his death at the cross.John 3:16
3. So Jesus' sacrifice brought us back to God. So now we have the ability to get back to God in "holiness". However at the end of this all. All this shall no longer exist and what will be a recreation of holiness Matthew 24:35 and Revelations 21:2a
3a. Well so who can exist there. Well people who are holy and have run the race till completion 2. Timothy 4:7
4. So why do we get thrown in hell/lake of fire . Is it God's way of punishing us?
Answer: No. Burning in hell or the lake of fire is as a result of our decision. Remember free will? Yes. It's our will to be holy or not. And the result of that decision is not God's fault. But...
5. The lake of fire is punishment for the devil and his minions. Revelations 20:10. But the devil knows his time is limited. And is a deceiver thus has deceived man and the deception is what leads us to burn in the lake lf fire. Revelations 12:12.
5a. Take this example. A prison holds a criminal. If you commited a crime and are caught. You're put in prison. But is it the judge's fault that you're thrown in prison or it was your decision to commit the crime. "Because after death there is judgment" Hebrews 9:27
5c. One may argue that innocent people are also thrown in prison. Well this is because human beings make mistakes and the system is not always just.
However God is just (Job 34:12, Proverbs 11:11) and knows all things (Psalm 44:21, Hebrews 4:13). Think about how Jesus died also😬
6. Ending.
God loves all men. He wants us to be holy so we can share in his holiness. Sin disconnects us from this holiness(Romans 3:23) and our free will to sin leads us to the lake of fire which is a place for the devil. Therefore try to live holy and let love lead 🙏😊
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