Making a “we got that in the house” ice cream today. I am going to make a honey bun and banana ice cream with homemade cinnamon caramel. No ice cream machine needed.
Starting my cinnamon caramel for my ice cream. This is going to be a long process
It’s melting! It’s melting!!
No matter how slow the process may seem DO NOT walk away from your caramel
As you can see my cinnamon caramel has fully melted and way more of a smooth liquid. I love to see it.
Cinnamon caramel is done. Going to let it cool before adding it to my ice cream
Just want you guys to know I am making this ice cream up as I go 😭😭. So I took some honey buns that were store bought, broke them up and mixed with bananas. This will be added into the ice cream
Because we are doing a no machine ice cream I will be whipping cream. To give it more flavor I am mixing sweetened condensed milk, vanilla extract and cinnamon
Whipped the cream, poured the condensed milk mixture in and gently mixed it with a spatula
My first layer of ice cream with the honey buns, bananas and homemade cinnamon caramel
Second layer and one more to go
Final layer of my honey bun and banana ice cream with homemade cinnamon caramel. Off to the freezer it goes
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