Yang caper di medsos dari yang baik sampai yang jelek semua ada; pamer masakan, ayat-ayat, body, jualan body, pamer intelektual, pamer doyan ngewe. Terus ada yang cry for help with suicidal thoughts dibilang caper, ngapain bilang. What if it's real? Be kind, or just let it be.
Cari bantuan ke psikiater/psikolog kalo emang suicidal? Mungkin sudah/lagi? But when the night is dark and darkest, the thoughts are just unbearable, the only way he/she knows is reaching out to random people on internet?

Iya risiko internet di-bully. Jangan jadi bagian itu.
For you who live with suicidal thoughts, I hope you find a way to survive the days and nights, whatever way that helps you to beat the thoughts. I'm so sorry if most of us don't understand what's going on with you.

Sending you love from afar.
You can follow @sheknowshoney.
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