Who has good model of test, trace, contain setup, w/ parameters such as % of pop randomly tested (to ID asymptomatic spreaders), time to test symptomatic ppl, time for test results, time to trace contacts for positive IDs, % of contacts traced, % of ppl who follow quarantine etc?
@CT_Bergstrom @jtemple @yayitsrob @alexismadrigal any ideas who is modeling this? Or is this a gap that someone can help with? I'm assuming ppl are on it but this kind of model seems key to develop credible estimates of test, trace, and quarantine ability needed for "phase 2".
These kinds of models aren't perfect but seem key to test what assumptions you have to believe to trust that any of the various plans to get economy back open to some degree have any chance of success.
I assume agent-based disease spread sims either already have these interventions included or can be extended to. If there's a need for additional modeling here, universities (incl. mine) can certainly muster resources. If already happening, I'm curious what we can learn from them
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