I’m gonna do a thread of my favorite selfies in order from my favorite to my least favorite.

I’m trying to love myself.

So let’s start:
As you all know this is already my Twitter profile pic because honestly it’s just pretty. I look strong and cute and sexy. It’s a good angle and the lighting worked. A simple look that day, but the best selfie I’ve taken in awhile.
This is number two. It was just cute and nerdy and I miss my hair and that red beanie tbh. I lost it in a parking lot somewhere when it fell out of my pocket without me noticing.

People really liked this one and I’ll always be fond of it.
The next few are all so close that they could be in any order tbh. But this one had such a fierceness in it.

My hair was fresh, my eyes were cold, and my makeup was sharp. It was a deadly combo and tbh that dress? Sexy. Sexiest dress I own tbh.

I felt reaaaaaally good.
I’m not really sure what it was that I liked about this one tbh, but it always felt sharp to me. My face was shaped differently because it was so early on in my HRT process before things begin to shift. But I was hot in this one. My jawline, probs.
And again, this one is so close with the two above that they’re interchangeable. I was celebrating my birthday with my friend Beth in this one and it was a really nice time. My makeup felt like it was on a different level in this one because I looked so different.
This was from my first New Years Eve after coming out. That dress was short and skimpy, but I straightened my hair and did my makeup and I looked really good. It was an intense party and I got hammered and puked like 6 times. It was the first selfie I after coming out I liked.
I never got to go to prom. I wasn’t out as a woman back then either.

One of my first friends after moving to NC from NY was Alora, and she insisted that we should try on dresses. I’ve always liked this selfie because tbh it’s as close as I’ll ever get to my princess moment.
This is honestly one of my faves because I looked so cute. It’s just *cute*. It’s also the only time I’ve ever been able to pull off having my hair up.
I like this because it feels like such a tired look and tbh that’s who I am. Tired.

It was cute and my eyeshadow was bomb af tbh.
This was from my time on Them Unsinkables’ over on @Side_QuestRPG when I played Vivian, the Tabaxi Storm Sorcerer and reigning captain of The Unsinkable 2. It was a cute look and I’ll always love it because of Vivian and the adventures she had with the crew. We fought a kraken.
These next three are from the same look, but different vibes. I like this one because it was all “Fuck you I’m punk rock” and my tongue is on full display. It was just a fun, different selfie for me than my usual.
I like this one because my outfit is cute and tbh you can tell that skirts just work for me. This will be a must-wear for me again in the future and I just look so “Yeah, I know I’m hot so what?” In it.
Tbh I think I may only like this one because of my makeup. But it’s really cute and is really like “so what?” With a heavy “whatever” vibe.
And my last two for this thread. I liked this one because it was tough. It was badass. It was “Watch out, she bites.”

I went bowling and then had to quickly change out of all of this because I got called in to work right after everything ended.
And lastly, a staple of my confidence tbh. This was a simplified look with a bold lip that came out better than I could have hoped for. It was the selfie that helped me realize that yeah, I’m cute. It’s okay to feel that way about myself. It gave me hope that I could love myself.
Anyway thanks for reading/looking. Hopefully I’ll have more looks to serve up soon.

But remember to be proud of who you are. Love yourself. I’m proud to be #transgender and #lgbtq and nerdy and punk rock and flowery and everything that I am.

You should be proud of you.
You can follow @CallMeCaulfield.
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