For all the things transphobes say about “biological sex," I will just say this…

if we sniffed each other and smelled each other's urine for identifying, congregating, and mating, I’d be indisputably recognized as female.
“Sex is immutable” fallaciously oversimplifies “sex” as “chromosomes,” something that’s been rejected scientifically for many decades now.

There are components of sex that are immutable (chromosomes), but sex is a multicomponent system. Some components CAN be changed.
Outside of anatomical features whose growth is driven by the chromosomal roadmaps laid out during gestation, once birthed and matured, hormones dominate the functional and observable sex characteristics.

To simply disregard this is illogical selection bias for transphobia.
You know they're transphobes because they use selection bias to identify characteristics they can use to define “sex” in oversimplified (unscientific) ways for the purpose of excluding trans people based on an elementary reading of biology.

That’s why they're transphobes.

One more thing about this thread…

Now I can’t stop visualizing us walking around smelling each other and our urine LOLOLOL 🙃😂
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