lmaooo Singaporeans are privileged. That’s all that’s the tweet. We have better and a lot cheaper healthcare compared to most countries. There are people actually dying & struggled to pay for their medical bills and there’s Singaporeans taking advantage of it. https://twitter.com/mothershipsg/status/1247837782619258881
And this specific mindset that most singaporeans have- “okay what the government will help one. Die die lor” LOL the audacity. Some of people really are ignorant af and it shows 🤮🤮🤮🤮
And yknow what’s funny? There’s only two spectrum of Singaporeans. The fucking kiasu one (the hoarders That think of themselves) & one doesnt fucking give a shit.
And knowing that WE SINGAPOREANS have this mindset, it’s so upsetting. Like hello??? People just don’t want to acknowledge the level of severity of this virus and they just yaya papaya because lmao the government giving us money and even subsides more for a lot cheaper healthcare
& THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO SAY THAT????????????????!!?? “If get get lor” ?????? Privilege mfs lmao.
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