currently reading Passions of the Cut Sleeve by Bret Hinsch -- i don't know how updated this is, as it was written in 1990, if you'd like to recommend me similar books in English or English translation that are more recent, or by Chinese researchers, please let me know.
am laughing already
love it, the author seeks to dispel the notion that the concept of Confucian family unit was the only one present in the whole of Chinese history
fkjslkjf he goes into the "morally pure Europeans" im here just laughing
ok, the opening chapter is great, he's sure to emphasize not to project yourself onto the Chinese people in discussing the homosexual tradition that had been present in history
this is great!
I personally don't feel we have to stick to this in fiction, but it's important to acknowledge that it has basis in history
i could buy a kindle copy of this or a physical copy... physical copy means i've got to wait >< i... i guess in the name of research........................ orz
i... i just bought it :) since it's only in LKC library for reference :) i paid legally... wew!!! USD$17...
comment on [heterosexual] marriage for social structure, whereas romance and satisfying sex could be sought elsewhere
Resisting desire is not in accordance with the Dao???? Something something dual cultivation
A social inferior could not be the one to extend sexual advances — doing it could jeopardize his life [in the case of Duke Jing of Qi, taken from Yanzi Chunqiu]
“As affectionate as husband and wife”
Tbh this difference in culture... I feel it keenly

“Chinese tendency to develop sexual taxonomy derived from social and emotional bonds rather than [...] sexual identity, as is often the case in the contemporary West”
I always felt like “sexual identity” is way more important in the West and this in part answers some of my ??? feeling
This is real history 🤯 gay honeypot
Han China and its list of emperors with their male favourites
Part 2
Dong Xian says “cool beauty look is best”

(I can’t believe these tropes have basis in history)
Thinking about YWS hours
Ok, so previously Chinese historical terms for relationships between men described social relationship, it was only during Northern and Southern Dynasties that they started to use terms referring to the sex act such as nanfeng (male custom) and nanse (male lust)
*busts out laughing* Mu Tipo got mentioned for his “erotic skills”, equal to his mother, who found a place at court in a similar manner
It’s been a few thousand years and we’re still using the jade metaphor, which tickles me

I mean, I know it’s historical fiction, but it’s not like English historical fiction actually sounds like history texts, right?!
This book is really good. See if you can find it on Libby (not available in SG NLB on Libby), or you can purchase it online. The author clearly is careful and sensitive not to view the subject matter through a Western lens; instead he encourages us to see it from society of time
I just jumped through hoops to find this particular poem in Chinese jxnkcjhgf

It’s about the prostitute Zhou Xiaoshi, who has no page in English but has a baidu (search 周小史)

there’s a historical connection between (male) acting / singing and prostitution
Elder brother...
I find it funny that homosexuality (nanfeng, or male custom, also southern custom) was most prevalent in Fujian province cos that’s where my grandfather and I’m presuming my ancestors were from ddfdzhhvb
So I’m not saying they called each other as thus but there’s a definite historical precedence for the designation of M/M r/s as “husband and wife” and I hope people will do some research before writing it off completely. Fine to have your preferences, not fine to erase history
Also the relationship structure focus became from... sleeping with powerful men to attain political status / favours (“favourites”) where they were not necessarily emasculated (strength in archery and combat were mentioned) to becoming a route out of poverty
Because later systems were set up to reward meritocracy more, the political usage of such relationships fell by the wayside and instead there was an influx of male prostitution (who used cosmetics, dressed femininely etc.)
Marriage as a common ceremony was focused in Fujian where they would have the entire wedding similar to straight marriage, creating a bond of kinship ala sworn brothers, however they would still be dissolved in about 20 years due to the need of procreation
“To men or the late Ming and early Qing, emotional and sexual relationships with other men could be intense and even endearing, yet they could not exclude heterosexuality.”
This book’s criticism of Western smugness gives me life tbh
On men powdering the face
so THIS is the origin of xianggong as a reference to male prostitutes...

I came across it earlier here
The reasons for the increasing intolerance towards male homosexuality from Qing onwards
I highly recommend this book. It’s not only historical with references to many, many literary sources and historical records, it also shows the contrast of Western sensibilities with Chinese notions of MSM (not tied to sexual identity but rather based on social class, etc)
The epilogue discusses how it almost seems.., historical revisionism when China adopted many things from the west including the Christian hatred for homosexuality when in fact homosexuality had a long tradition in Chinese culture
Changes in language = breaking youth off from the knowledge of the homosexual tradition (which was written in classical language and traditional script)
Just finished this book. V thoughtful read. The author is quick to say he has only breached the surface, but what he’s done here is impressive. It’s clear the amount of painstaking research he’s done. B4 discussing the tradition of MSM in ancient China, you should read this.
Unfortunately I don’t think I’m able to lend via kindle ;; you can purchase digital edition
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