🌸 thread of f/f books you can read for FREE on kindle unlimited! 🌸
i'll include the books that I've read first and feel free to reply with any other suggestions!! now is the perfect time with one month free and many of us with lots of free time!
by any other name by natasha west
enemies to lovers
two girls from families who hate each other form a secret relationship
close ups and mess ups by natasha west
film school
love triangle
joined at the hip by natasha west
a girl working at her family store is magically joined at the hip to the girl trying to rob her
a marriage of connivance by natasha west
two girls' girlfriends cheat on them with each other so these two opposites fake date for revenge but find more along the way
natasha west has so many more f/f books across a variety of genres! they're all available through kindle unlimited and here's a link to her goodreads page so you can see them all: http://goodreads.com/author/list/13476438.Natasha_West
a lady's desire by lily maxton
historical romance
childhood friends to lovers
(spin off from another series but can be read separately)
dragon whisper by niamh murphy
the first book in a high fantasy series
dual pov from two sapphic characters on each side of a brewing war
dragons, elves, magic
niamh murphy also has many f/f books available across genres. here's a link to her website to see them all, including the free books available to read there: http://authorniamh.com/ 
i've not read any of sierra maley's books yet but I've heard them praised a lot! all her books are available on ku and feature sapphic characters across a variety of genres. here's a link to her website to see them all: http://sieramaley.com/books.html 
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