And in terms of sheer political power, Dems control one house of Congress; nothing happens unless Pelosi and her party agree to it. Why shouldn't legislation make substantial concessions to their priorities? 3/
Maybe McConnell thinks that Dems will be cowed by the prospect of being cast as obstructionists. This might work if Trump had overwhelming public approval for his handling of Covid-19; but he's actually (and rightly) underwater and sinking fast 4/
Also, believing that the public would blame Democrats for bad things happening on Trump's watch — even if it were true, which it isn't — assumes a level of public attention to legislative maneuvering that doesn't happen in real life 5/
And a state/local/hospital fiscal crisis would, among other things, hurt the economy in the run-up to the election, which hurts Trump. So Dems appear to have most of the bargaining power 6/
So I'm not sure what's going on. Is McConnell just so arrogant that he imagines he can always bully Dems? Do Rs find the idea of helping those in need so repugnant that they're willing to pay a heavy political price to impose suffering? Inquiring minds want to know 7/
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