hyyh pt.2 is like my favorite bts album but I also avoid listening to it a lot now bc it holds a lot of memories for me that make me feel sad when I think of them bc it’s I’ve changed and the people around me haved changed too.
But at the same time I kinda grew from that time. Like I associated that album with the times and friendships I was having and later feeling those friendships and good times coming to an end but not wanting to let go. Which is basically the emotions and theme of the album.
Especially 고엽 bc that is like my favorite song from the album. And it’s about having someone and you can feel that you’re drifting apart but you want to hold onto them. Like with Youth we don’t want to let go, I was like 15/16 at the time of this album
My youth was something I was scared of letting go. I was terrified of the future. And because of trying to hold on so tightly I basically set myself up for a future without those people in my life.
I like that album so much because I related so much to the themes and emotions of it. I never really thought so hard about it until now because I’ve grown and know that it’s okay to let go sometimes.
idk what this thread was i was just kinda feeling emotional from watching the hyyh videos and prologues bc they reminded me of stuff. I rambled skfjsknf
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