I’d like to call this thread: All the times Bellamy and Clarke were everything but platonic buddies and co-leaders.

Let’s start easy with one of my favorite episodes: 1x08.
Now, this one may not be as powerful as the others but who can forget “I need you. [..] You want forgiveness? Fine I’ll give it to you. [...] You have to come back with me.”
Let’s jump straight to season 2 cause, let’s be real, that’s when the real Bellarke moments begin.
This is probably the most iconic hug between the two and it happens in episode 2x05. I mean, who doesn’t hug his buddies like that?
Another small moment that I haven’t noticed until like my fifth rewatch is in 2x08, when Finn carries an unconscious Clarke back at camp and Bellamy almost panics.
+ The way he cradles her head and says “Clarke, can you hear me? You’re gonna be fine.”
*BIG SPIOLER (if you haven’t seen the show then this thread is a mine field)

After episode 2x08 there’s 2x09.
Finn has just been executed for the murder of all those grounders. Bellamy wants to be one of the inside men and get into MW.
Clarke is definitely not okay with it.
Disclaimer: this is just for fun. If you ship Clexa, Becho, Flarke or anything else then it’s totally fine, I’m just here cause they’re my fav couple and to show people that they do actually care about each other (maybe ever in a romantic way).
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