The UK police arent trained to de-escalate, they're trained to agitate, aggravate & arrest esp when it comes to people of colour- proven institutionally racist. Here's something we need to remember re: COVID19 and policing to keep us all, esp vulnerable ppl safe/alive 1/6
With the new powers via covid19, there is already a spike in overpolicing on racialised communities or poor communities who cannot self isolate with the same home safety/ financial safety as those with more racial or financial privilege 2/6
Deaths in police custody have disproportionately been people with mental health issues or experiencing emotional distress. Right now, many ppl are experiencing emotional distress & crises, Will do things that appear acting out of 'normal'. More so in grief & bereavement 3/6
Having the police swarm, overpolice, shout at someone experiencing emotional distress/crises has led to violent restraining, further mental health & deaths. This is 1 of many incidents I've witnessed in my life, incl yesterday (Im not discussing here for my own health) 4/6
Also the police in Tower Hamlets would actively tell youth about the arrest quota's they had to fill, condescendingly saying things like 'Its your day today, I'll come for him tomorrow" ... 5/6
The police have never been held to account/ families still waiting for justice despite the track record of brutality. In this moment we all are 1, bereavement/loss/ breakdown from ‘acting out of normal’/, we deserve to be met with dignity & compassion, not violence 6/6
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