1/My thoughts on the situation with Black people in China:
Fuck the people that think it's okay to discriminate against blacks in China because some retard decided to bite a nurse. Call out that dumbshit and move on, unless you want to be as braindead as the average twitter user
2/That being said, FUCK THE PEOPLE THAT USE THIS AS AN EXCUSE TO SMUGLY SAY "ALL CHINESE PEOPLE ARE RACIST". Bitch please, tell me again how generalizing a whole group of people based on the actions of a select few helps anyone?
3/another group of people is slightly more "intelligent" in their approach to discredit china here. They're saying that this is a stateled effort to discriminate against blacks. DO SOME RESEARCH YOU DUMB FUCK
the CCP is against any form of discrimination
4/this is the actions of a bunch of morons in China that should be called out and dealt with as quickly as possible, most importantly, the people that got evicted and are now homeless need to be helped asap. I'll continue to call out the above mentioned idiots though.
5/One thing I would also like to point out here, is that context matters. I do not know if some of the people that got evicted did indeed have an expired visa and were therefore illegally staying. If that's the case, well tough luck. You come into China, you abide by the rules
6/ The rest though, the people that did nothing illegal, followed the rules and still got unfairly discriminated against by racist chinese people. They need to be compensated. We should not let western media divide the african and the chinese community, we're far better than that
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