im growing more and more weary with tolerating toxic, entitled and/or "please look at me" people. ive stopped wasting my time trying to address or respond to such behaviors drastically, ive started unfollowing and/or softblocking such people too. it creates a bad energy on here
i encourage venting and criticism, but theres a fine line between sharing how you feel to express yourself and sharing simply to be negative to either spite the subject or with the agenda to convince others to feel the same. there comes a point where its no longer self-expression
and its perfectly nature to want things but the way some people go about it feels so self-centered and ignorant. there are constructive ways to express desires that dont diminish pre-existing realities. its not the end of the world if a game you like is missing a feature you want
asking developers for things is fine, yet the method by many is demeaning and devaluing to those who work on the product. oftentimes they aren't even asking the developers but just crying to their community to create a cesspool of like minded acting like they'll make a difference
i cannot fathom why someone would spend any amount of energy beyond a single tweet voicing a disinterest or dislike for a game. its even more bewildering when they still end up getting it, or worse, continuously force themselves to play to the end if they do not enjoy the product
"I don't like this mechanic."
"I hate how it looks."
"This game's going to be shit."

just don't get the game, or if you were unfortunate enough to purchase thinking it would be enjoyable, either return it or accept that you made a bad purchase decision and move on with your life
to believe because you made an uninformed purchase that you ended up not liking thinking that the developers owe you anything to improve your experience is absurd. again, wanting something, asking for something, that's fine. it's the entitlement of expecting and demanding change
developers make games for people, not for any one individual. they spend a lot of time factoring the structure of every aspect of the game and they have a target audience in mind, oftentimes they make a game they themselves would want or try to progress an established series.
if a game, no matter how hyped up or popular it is desired among your friends or in cultural status, doesn't look appealing to you, or does not meet your expectations or desired value you we're after, odds are the game wasn't made for you as the audience and that's perfectly okay
a lot struggle with this concept. if you don't like it, you don't have to get it. if you do without knowing and don't like it, you're not required to finish it. trust me, you'll feel happier quitting than forcing yourself to finish on some principle of salvaging a bad purchase
i also see so many people going on endlessly about spoilers or witnessing certain behaviors on here in general and all i can wonder is how they can manage to witness so much of these undesired behaviors so frequently and regularly because its easily addressed with some diligence
use your tools for toxic behavior, seriously.
if it's someone making undesired:
- tweets: unfollow
- replies to your tweets: softblock or block if necessary
- retweets: you can turn their retweets off
it'll be intimidating at first but with enough diligence, it'll become seldom
keep in mind, there's objective toxicity where everyone can agree someone has toxic traits, but there's also subjective toxicity. it's possible for someone to be toxic to you even if they are not being objectively toxic. this is typically due to a difference of mental ideologies
there are billions of individuals and some of those individuals will give off vibes that feel good to some, bad to others with no explicable reason that's logical. it's best to recognize those clashes of differences and understand that they are simply a person you cannot befriend
if you don't like the way someone is behaving yet they are not objectively harassing or hurting anyone, the issue is a personal one that's no fault of their own. that's who they are. just use your tools to remove them from your experience here and let them do their own thing.
twitter is a public domain. while it's nice to have a safe space where you can get the experience you want, this platform was designed for everyone and not just for yourself. let the toxic community thrive in their corner, you don't have to be part of it. make your corner yours.
it's very rare for me to see undesired tweets these days because i'm very diligent in handling problematic people from my experience. it's been really healthy and i've even started to feel less impacted by undesired tweets when they do appear because of how infrequent they are
yeah i have to micromanage my followers every so often, but the instances where i have to grow less and less over time. but my tolerance towards such behaviors is also growing more thin and i just wanted to share this in hopes to have others achieve a healthier experience on here
focusing on the content i want to see over the appearance i want to uphold with people is a drastic difference for me. i used to care about what people thought of me, if i was unfollowed, following people because we were friends, but that style of twittering was toxic for me
i realized i can be friends regardless of who's following who. i'm friends with many where one of us isn't following the other. it's a matter of content. if i don't follow, it's got nothing to do with my thoughts of them or an implaction of bad content, it's simply not for me
this is why i don't personally believe in using the mute feature. to follow someone but deny their content to my timeline, it feels like a ruse to keep up appearances with them. if they're tweeting things i don't want to see i'm not going to perpetuate the illusion i'm interested
this is a personal view and i'm not at all suggesting those of you who utilize the mute feature to be deceitful. i've actually recommended mute to a lot of people. it's more of a personal thought of mine because i like to uphold a presence where people know i'll never ignore them
speaking of which, and a bit off this long-winded topic, but if any of you are struggling, need to vent or anything. i offer you my DMs as a safe haven to say anything you want, consequence-free, and i will listen and be there for you. you will never be a burden or bother to me
but with that, and i apologize about the length, i'll close off my thoughts here. i just want to focus my energies on people who uplift me or inspire me to be better and want to avoid those who bring me down, whether intentional or not, to grow and be the best version of myself
i know my flaws and quirks; all of them. i won't pretend i'm any better than any of the people i have issues with. i'm not. however, i do believe with the right circle of people, i can be the best version of myself. so thank you all for helping me be that person. i love you 💜
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